#oleader flowers
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Psychonauts hunger games episode 2
because the absolute chaos of this generator is hilarious
Elka Doom bashes Franke Athens's head against a rock several times.
Mikhail Bulgakov shoots a poisonous blow dart into sasha nein's neck, slowly killing him. (revenge from last time lol)
bobby zilch attacks Phoebe Love, but Clem Foote protects her, killing bobby zilch.
Elton Fir grabs a sword.
milla vodello grabs a sword.
Vernon Tripe finds a canteen full of water.
dr caligosto loboto and Quentin Hedgemouse fight for a bag. Quentin Hedgemouse gives up and retreats. (well if i had to fight a freaky mf who's over 9 ft tall with a clawed prosthetic arm, I'D PROBABLY RUN TOO-)
Chloe Barge breaks raz aquato's nose for a basket of bread.
augustus aquato grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Nils Lutefisk, Benny Fideleo, Chops Sweetwind, and ford crueller share everything they gathered before running.
Crystal Flowers grabs a jar of fishing bait while Dogen Boole gets fishing gear.
Kitty Bubai runs into the cornucopia and hides.
morceau oleader and J.T Hoofburger fight for a bag. J.T Hoofburger gives up and retreats.
hollis forsythe and Milka Phage fight for a bag. hollis forsythe gives up and retreats.
lili zanotto grabs a sword.
Maloof Canola retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia. (OH SHIT)
Day 1
Elka Doom shoots a poisonous blow dart into hollis forsythe's neck, slowly killing her.
Chops Sweetwind, Mikhail Bulgakov, and augustus aquato get into a fight. Chops Sweetwind triumphantly kills them both. (you don't mess with the canadian)
morceau oleader overhears Nils Lutefisk and Dogen Boole talking in the distance.
dr caligosto loboto sprains his ankle while running away from Benny Fideleo.
Quentin Hedgemouse defeats milla vodello in a fight, but spares her life. (good boy)
Elton Fir tries to sleep through the entire day.
Crystal Flowers tends to Milka Phage's wounds. (aww that's actually really sweet)
ford crueller searches for firewood. (sm0rt old man)
Vernon Tripe, lili zanotto, Phoebe Love, and Maloof Canola hunt for other tributes.
Kitty Bubai tries to sleep through the entire day.
J.T Hoofburger practices his archery. (he gotta rest his gun for emergencies)
Clem Foote stalks raz aquato. (to cheer for him, right?)
Night 1
Quentin Hedgemouse stabs Benny Fideleo in the back with a trident.
Crystal Flowers falls into a frozen lake and drowns. (on purpose)
Kitty Bubai pushes morceau oleader off a cliff during a knife fight. (it's not hard with his tiny legs)
Nils Lutefisk starts a fire.
Clem Foote passes out from exhaustion.
J.T Hoofburger thinks about winning. (eyes on the prize, buddy)
dr caligosto loboto quietly hums.
Vernon Tripe cooks his food before putting his fire out. (sm0rt part 2)
Maloof Canola lets Elka Doom into his shelter.
Dogen Boole sees a fire, but stays hidden.
raz aquato, milla vodello, Chops Sweetwind, lili zanotto, and Elton Fir sleep in shifts. (STRATEGY)
ford crueller goes to sleep.
Milka Phage looks at the night sky.
Phoebe Love sets up camp for the night.
Day 2
dr caligosto loboto, Chops Sweetwind, Maloof Canola, and Vernon Tripe form a suicide pact, killing themselves. (WE'RE ONLY ON DAY TWO AND PEOPLE ARE ALREADY KILLING THEMSELVES-)
Phoebe Love practices her archery.
Kitty Bubai sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
J.T Hoofburger collects fruit from a tree.
ford crueller goes hunting.
lili zanotto, Quentin Hedgemouse, milla vodello, Nils Lutefisk, and Elka Doom hunt for other tributes.
raz aquato sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Milka Phage, Elton Fir, Clem Foote, and Dogen Boole hunt for other tributes.
Night 2
lili zanotto pushes Quentin Hedgemouse off a cliff during a knife fight.
Phoebe Love sets an explosive off, killing Elton Fir, Nils Lutefisk, Kitty Bubai and J.T Hoofburger.
Milka Phage loses sight of where she is.
milla vodello stays awake all night.
Elka Doom stays awake all night.
Clem Foote and Dogen Boole tell stories about themselves to each other.
ford crueller and raz aquato run into each other and decide to truce for the night. (i mean you're basically his grand uncle at this point, SO YOU BETTER-)
ford crueller severely slices milla vodello with a sword. (JESUS)
Elka Doom stabs Clem Foote in the back with a trident.
Dogen Boole, lili zanotto, raz aquato, and Milka Phage form a suicide pact, killing themselves. (at least raz and lili died willingly, by eachother's side 🥺😭)
Phoebe Love takes a staff leaning against the cornucopia.
Day 3
Elka Doom shoots an arrow at Phoebe Love, but misses and kills ford crueller instead.
Night 3
Phoebe Love stabs Elka Doom while her back is turned.
The games have ended
💚The winner is Phoebe Love!💚
i know no one asked for another but i'm gonna keep posting thes because it's fun
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tilmarrowdries · 3 years ago
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"I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing."
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unciaknightfall · 3 years ago
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Oleader: A highly poisonous evergreen of the dogbane family
The Atsidian family flower is a black oleander. A little spooky man for you.
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killjoybycandlelight · 5 years ago
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Dolores Belial
Birthday: 5/23
Height: 6’3
Likes: Oleader, wisteria. Irises, flowers in general, classical music, games
Dislikes: Leaving his home, cats, people who cheat, fire (has pyrophobia)
Powers: Possession, hallucination, control over Mabuz manor, plant growth
A demon that haunts the Mabuz estate manor which is now a large home abandoned and overtaken by plant growth. Rumor has it that the interior becomes an impossible maze for those who enter with stairways, halls, and doors leading and twisting to nowhere at all. Dolores finds his fun in trapping his victims inside, playing with them till they go insane-taking their own life, or by the hands of his other victims. But challange him to a game and win, and you might just leave alive.
He loves to keep his s/o lost within the maze of the manor. He keeps them safe and warm in his arms, but isn’t afraid to let them die, for that would mean their spirit will be trapped in the manor with him forever.
His previous life is known to others and kept a secret by him.
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backgardenorg · 7 years ago
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Oleander - toxic, but very beautiful shrub.  
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444names · 3 years ago
common names for flowers, herbs and plants
Acitom Ackchite Ackharn Aldoak Allenne Allia Alspbelus Alynia Aniket Anlenos Aplacket Aplagwoot Aplemulla Apped Ardfer Arice Arlilforia Arrops Arsewoose Asard Ashock Asilloweed Asiole Asson Astleyte Avevine Azole Babagweek Babirch Ballac Bambscres Baneedany Barlistmen Basanne Basticress Bayelidaf Bayllbet Beckier Beldelic Berchriver Beroseed Berroserry Berryle Birbirow Birds Biselloot Bitemoril Bitone Bitorn Blacamber Bladne Blagerns Blammon Blandaf Blandsnole Blaneed Blanikine Blanip Blanisop Blanne Blareek Blaver Bleaf Bleafria Bloweed Blowwoos Bluempart Blumelland Blumhamerb Bluxroak Bolemoomme Boxelum Boxwoom Brestisy Broastric Brotte Bruiterne Brumblum Burpleber Busankch Butterse Cabballber Cabitredge Caccaple Cackrash Candch Cangary Canuttlens Carch Cardtash Carickel Carseebper Catily Caton Celumpanes Cepaple Cepped Chald Chanowatia Chead Chimbinge Chitres Chivenak Cinnirb Clearrood Cluacart Coaket Cocket Coldhod Colybudzu Comahousaf Corad Cores Cormegon Corneflue Corry Corse Cosaf Coserry Cosmom Coweed Creat Credbinet Creed Creek Crootted Crosed Culanne Curipephit Curmaterb Curry Curvycle Custle Daliverry Damoseeber Daninette Derber Derch Derry Devinglace Drueaff Ducus Dyermworry Dynic Dythemoo Epint Falde Feavock Felebe Felworess Ferry Fevil Figgerch Fightsh Finde Fingglary Flowakudzu Foess Gallower Garadenot Garmairch Gilder Ginde Ginod Gloodia Glowerry Glowthevil Goldbull Goldilde Golkyth Golls Golue Gonfloweed Gonia Gonwood Graized Granistle Grash Greed Grestro Haddyhoak Hadoak Hadoldoak Hadwer Halmorash Handa Hartlet Hawamyrtle Healde Heapled Hedmump Hempeass Herbirch Herge Herlice Hoarlives Hogalderb Hogwer Hogwortle Holdtash Honderbea Honiane Hored Hostle Housh Hubered Hyampane Hydallanak Imerbea Inepper Ingarlium Ingeaf Ircildthis Irdens Isoary Istle Istleado Istnutly Isyrt Itergre Ivess Ketfly Ketrose Ketush Kierry Koastle Kosil Kunks Langcron Lanter Leber Ledbindal Leedgea Lemorry Lemostle Lequito Lewee Leweed Lilloot Limel Lionwoodil Liped Lipes Lonbecarks Loved Loweed Mahorn Maildhored Mapellil Maplea Mappeado Meflowst Milloweed Mindrose Minet Miset Mistrockly Momild Momme Mongeoak Monia Monose Morterwee Mortipeed Mosander Mulila Mustroon Napperry Nilleash Nisoweetur Nugart Nugraplen Nuttle Olead Olitte Onwood Orash Orchcaple Ordsbiter Oreek Ormaple Pallbeed Pandweek Parisminel Pater Paterry Pattle Pazalm Pazoter Pealowdaly Peaplere Peetherry Pefer Peflood Pepatwerns Pepionwoon Peple Pepperweet Picored Pightshar Pinthionsy Plackch Plaort Pleasilkat Pleed Plemush Pletter Pokamps Pokelife Pollic Popsial Posea Poseed Poseek Poser Price Priflue Priperne Purneed Radbush Radia Ragery Ragetty Rasia Renbernsy Renge Rennip Rhemerb Rhockress Rhucurne Ricket Rigorn Riscloweed Rivygreech Rosem Rosess Rowhibace Rufferb Rumpary Safmap Safricwer Sager Sagnower Saldbluaw Saldenna Sanot Sanria Sardse Sardsnod Scackred Scaple Scarlil Scoly Scory Screek Scress Scured Shouckly Sianleaf Sillow Smildo Snatwer Snefenple Snetberry Sofevinil Sowak Spans Spbeckweed Spberry Speparks Sperockoak Spigarlia Spint Splary Spoke Spurne Squeal Squitruft Statip Stionia Stleme Streed Stroad Stuberber Suckewelic Sucush Sugress Susharse Swater Swato Sweeca Sweed Sweedge Sweet Swellilber Swern Swine Swoot Sworn Tarry Thenoses Thice Thine Thiso Thivy Tonwood Tress Tubecabbar Tubox Tubric Tundery Vandle Vantathon Vinicoak Wallane Wamon Water Watoetroak Watorry Wattoe Wheaff Whickreed Whinnyher Whoreed Wilbudisy Wilder Wilkwerna Willobanle Windsnar Wingrap Winkchrive Winks Wooder Woosangloe Woote Worry Wortenist Yackwer Yacockler Yellnuttle Yelparry Yelweek Yerood Zinkwer
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rokfotogod · 6 years ago
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Old favorite of Thomas Flowers of Oleader performing at Concerts in the Park. Tonight they go on at 7 at Thunder Valley with TESLA. https://www.instagram.com/p/BoC62tBA0RT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tycmnaca63k1
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cbdoilforpain · 7 years ago
Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
The oil massage in Bangkok can act as a healing touch! Such massages are a substratal source of physical and mental well-being in stressful and hectic lifestyle. Essentials oils are an indispensable ingredient of oil massage in Bangkok. As an inseparable item of aromatherapy, oil massage of Bangkok is adorned with a brimful of benefits.
As it is said before, essential oils are commonly used in oil massage, available in Bangkok. Essentials oils are mainly extracted from various parts of a tree, such as, flowers, leaves, branches, bark and so on. Every type of essential oils has own effect. These oils can be used solely or in combined form.
In Bangkok, for massaging, the pure form of essentials oils is not used; instead the oils are diluted with carrier oils. As carrier oils, one can opt for olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, avocado oil etc. But before taking any oil massage, remember different carried oil provides different effect. So, choose your massage oil carefully, as per your needs.
Such oils massages can be beneficial both in physical and mental angles. Some of its physical as well as mental advantages are stated below,
Physical advantages:
oOil massage can be taken for alleviating pain and getting relaxation.
oLeading a stress-free life is possible with this massage
oImprovement of blood circulation is another benefit of this massage
oThis massage can be taken for the improvement and flexibleness of body postures
oThe healing touch of the massage works perfectly to recover any muscle injury and body ache.
Mental advantages
ooil massage provides peace of minds
oIn case of removing mental stress and depression, oil massage can be taken.
oEnhancement of emotional outlook is another advantage of oil massage
oMany persons in Bangkok opt for oils massage for removing anxiety
oWith oil massage, a person's social involvement can also be increased.
In this context, a question may come to the reader's mind. It is about the side effect of oil massages. Undoubtedly it can be said that oil massage treatments are completely free from any bad effect, as the oil, used here is completely natural. But while taking the massage if any irritation occurs, it is advisable to stop applying the oil right at the moment.
Lastly, it can be said that the oil massage, available in Bangkok assists people to lead a stress-less lifestyle. These days, when hectic and busy time schedule leaves us with enormous tensions and pressures, oils massage of Bangkok reinstates as well as reinforces our physical and mental health.
[ad_2] Source by Bryan Josling
Original Post Here: Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
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purecbdoil · 7 years ago
Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
The oil massage in Bangkok can act as a healing touch! Such massages are a substratal source of physical and mental well-being in stressful and hectic lifestyle. Essentials oils are an indispensable ingredient of oil massage in Bangkok. As an inseparable item of aromatherapy, oil massage of Bangkok is adorned with a brimful of benefits.
As it is said before, essential oils are commonly used in oil massage, available in Bangkok. Essentials oils are mainly extracted from various parts of a tree, such as, flowers, leaves, branches, bark and so on. Every type of essential oils has own effect. These oils can be used solely or in combined form.
In Bangkok, for massaging, the pure form of essentials oils is not used; instead the oils are diluted with carrier oils. As carrier oils, one can opt for olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, avocado oil etc. But before taking any oil massage, remember different carried oil provides different effect. So, choose your massage oil carefully, as per your needs.
Such oils massages can be beneficial both in physical and mental angles. Some of its physical as well as mental advantages are stated below,
Physical advantages:
oOil massage can be taken for alleviating pain and getting relaxation.
oLeading a stress-free life is possible with this massage
oImprovement of blood circulation is another benefit of this massage
oThis massage can be taken for the improvement and flexibleness of body postures
oThe healing touch of the massage works perfectly to recover any muscle injury and body ache.
Mental advantages
ooil massage provides peace of minds
oIn case of removing mental stress and depression, oil massage can be taken.
oEnhancement of emotional outlook is another advantage of oil massage
oMany persons in Bangkok opt for oils massage for removing anxiety
oWith oil massage, a person's social involvement can also be increased.
In this context, a question may come to the reader's mind. It is about the side effect of oil massages. Undoubtedly it can be said that oil massage treatments are completely free from any bad effect, as the oil, used here is completely natural. But while taking the massage if any irritation occurs, it is advisable to stop applying the oil right at the moment.
Lastly, it can be said that the oil massage, available in Bangkok assists people to lead a stress-less lifestyle. These days, when hectic and busy time schedule leaves us with enormous tensions and pressures, oils massage of Bangkok reinstates as well as reinforces our physical and mental health.
[ad_2] Source by Bryan Josling
Post Source Here: Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
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charlotteswebhempoil · 7 years ago
Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
The oil massage in Bangkok can act as a healing touch! Such massages are a substratal source of physical and mental well-being in stressful and hectic lifestyle. Essentials oils are an indispensable ingredient of oil massage in Bangkok. As an inseparable item of aromatherapy, oil massage of Bangkok is adorned with a brimful of benefits.
As it is said before, essential oils are commonly used in oil massage, available in Bangkok. Essentials oils are mainly extracted from various parts of a tree, such as, flowers, leaves, branches, bark and so on. Every type of essential oils has own effect. These oils can be used solely or in combined form.
In Bangkok, for massaging, the pure form of essentials oils is not used; instead the oils are diluted with carrier oils. As carrier oils, one can opt for olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, avocado oil etc. But before taking any oil massage, remember different carried oil provides different effect. So, choose your massage oil carefully, as per your needs.
Such oils massages can be beneficial both in physical and mental angles. Some of its physical as well as mental advantages are stated below,
Physical advantages:
oOil massage can be taken for alleviating pain and getting relaxation.
oLeading a stress-free life is possible with this massage
oImprovement of blood circulation is another benefit of this massage
oThis massage can be taken for the improvement and flexibleness of body postures
oThe healing touch of the massage works perfectly to recover any muscle injury and body ache.
Mental advantages
ooil massage provides peace of minds
oIn case of removing mental stress and depression, oil massage can be taken.
oEnhancement of emotional outlook is another advantage of oil massage
oMany persons in Bangkok opt for oils massage for removing anxiety
oWith oil massage, a person's social involvement can also be increased.
In this context, a question may come to the reader's mind. It is about the side effect of oil massages. Undoubtedly it can be said that oil massage treatments are completely free from any bad effect, as the oil, used here is completely natural. But while taking the massage if any irritation occurs, it is advisable to stop applying the oil right at the moment.
Lastly, it can be said that the oil massage, available in Bangkok assists people to lead a stress-less lifestyle. These days, when hectic and busy time schedule leaves us with enormous tensions and pressures, oils massage of Bangkok reinstates as well as reinforces our physical and mental health.
Source by Bryan Josling
Article Here: Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
0 notes
Psychonauts hunger games episode 4
here we go
Clem Foote takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
Nils Lutefisk sets an explosive off, killing Franke Athens, Vernon Tripe, Elton Fir and Chloe Barge.
Crystal Flowers and milla vodello fight for a bag. milla vodello gives up and retreats.
Elka Doom overpowers J.T Hoofburger, killing him. (huh i guess she's still mad about him having relationships with people other than her)
raz aquato finds a bag full of explosives.
hollis forsythe snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
bobby zilch scares morceau oleader away from the cornucopia.
Kitty Bubai throws a knife into ford crueller's chest.
sheegor grabs a shovel.
Quentin Hedgemouse kills augustus aquato for his supplies.
dr caligosto loboto convinces lili zanotto to not kill him, only to kill her instead. (FUCKER-)
Milka Phage gathers as much food as she can.
sasha nein, Dogen Boole, Mikhail Bulgakov, and Chops Sweetwind form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Benny Fideleo stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Phoebe Love convinces Maloof Canola to not kill her, only to kill him instead.
Day 1
morceau oleader camouflages himself in the bushes.
sheegor is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Quentin Hedgemouse shoots an arrow into bobby zilch's head.
milla vodello strangles Elka Doom after engaging in a fist fight. (that's for being hella toxic, bitch-)
raz aquato tries to spear fish with a trident. (raz my guy you have a hydrokinesis gift. use it)
Phoebe Love,��Crystal Flowers, Milka Phage, and dr caligosto loboto raid Benny Fideleo's camp while he is hunting. (that mental image is hilarious lmao)
hollis forsythe attacks Clem Foote, but he manages to escape.
Nils Lutefisk makes a wooden spear.
Kitty Bubai receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Night 1
Quentin Hedgemouse tends to his wounds.
Benny Fideleo kills dr caligosto loboto with a sickle. (REVENGE!!)
Nils Lutefisk and milla vodello sleep in shifts.
Milka Phage attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
hollis forsythe pushes morceau oleader off a cliff during a knife fight.
Clem Foote screams for help.
Kitty Bubai and Phoebe Love hold hands.
raz aquato kills sheegor for her supplies. (I THOUGHT YOU SAID SHE WAS ACTUALLY COOL-)
Crystal Flowers cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (of course she did)
Day 2
Benny Fideleo explores the arena.
hollis forsythe attacks milla vodello, but she manages to escape.
Clem Foote kills Nils Lutefisk with his own weapon.
Kitty Bubai decapitates Phoebe Love with a sword. (BUT YOU GUYS HELD HAAAAANDS :( )
raz aquato sprains his ankle while running away from Quentin Hedgemouse.
Milka Phage receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Night 2
milla vodello falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Kitty Bubai shoots a poisonous blow dart into hollis forsythe's neck, slowly killing her. (this girl's a fucking menace)
Benny Fideleo spears Quentin Hedgemouse in the abdomen.
Milka Phage cooks her food before putting her fire out.
raz aquato and Clem Foote tell stories about themselves to each other. (raz is now even more traumatised than he already was)
Day 3
Milka Phage searches for firewood.
Kitty Bubai cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (couldn't live with the fact that she killed the girl she held hands with, as well as the secondary head of the psychonauts)
raz aquato practices his archery.
Clem Foote begs for Benny Fideleo to kill him. he reluctantly obliges, killing Clem Foote.
Night 3
Benny Fideleo quietly hums.
Milka Phage screams for help.
raz aquato stays awake all night.
raz aquato and Benny Fideleo decide to work together to get more supplies.
Milka Phage stuffs a bundle of dry clothing into a backpack before sprinting away.
Day 4
raz aquato severely injures Milka Phage and leaves her to die. (you sadistic little bastard-)
Benny Fideleo camouflages himself in the bushes.
Night 4
raz aquato throws a knife into Benny Fideleo's chest.
The games have ended
💛The winner is raz aquato!💧
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Psychonauts hunger games episode 3
let's do dis >:)
Kitty Bubai shoots an arrow into J.T Hoofburger's head.
augustus aquato steps off his podium too soon and blows up.
morceau oleader grabs a shovel. (i'm getting "soldier-from-tf2" vibes)
sheegor bashes Crystal Flowers's head against a rock several times.
Elton Fir strangles Vernon Tripe with a rope.
Nils Lutefisk breaks lili zanotto's nose for a basket of bread.
Clem Foote grabs a backpack and retreats.
Elka Doom finds a canteen full of water.
Dogen Boole is unable to convince Maloof Canola to not kill him. (that's why you don't get involved with the mafia)
bobby zilch runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Chops Sweetwind, dr caligosto loboto, ford crueller, and hollis forsythe form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
raz aquato finds a bag full of explosives.
Milka Phage takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
Phoebe Love and Chloe Barge fight for a bag. Chloe Barge gives up and retreats.
milla vodello takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Quentin Hedgemouse scares Franke Athens away from the cornucopia.
sasha nein falls into a frozen lake and drowns. (*slow, sarcastic clapping*)
Mikhail Bulgakov clutches a first aid kit and runs away.
Benny Fideleo takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Day 1
Clem Foote poisons Kitty Bubai's drink. she drinks it and dies.
Phoebe Love hunts for other tributes.
Elka Doom stabs milla vodello with a tree branch.
Elton Fir sets an explosive off, killing sheegor, raz aquato, Franke Athens and Benny Fideleo.
Milka Phage injures herself.
Maloof Canola accidentally detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. (*even more sarcastic clapping*)
Nils Lutefisk dies of dysentery.
bobby zilch receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Mikhail Bulgakov overpowers lili zanotto, killing her. (don't worry lili, raz is waiting for you <3)
Chloe Barge tries to spear fish with a trident.
Quentin Hedgemouse throws a knife into morceau oleader's head.
Night 1
Quentin Hedgemouse attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Chloe Barge and Mikhail Bulgakov run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Phoebe Love looks at the night sky.
bobby zilch and Clem Foote hold hands.
Elton Fir is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Milka Phage falls into a pit and dies. (rip)
Elka Doom screams for help. (of course she does)
Day 2
Phoebe Love kills bobby zilch with his own weapon.
Chloe Barge picks flowers.
Elka Doom thinks about home.
Elton Fir receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Mikhail Bulgakov fishes.
Quentin Hedgemouse sprains his ankle while running away from Clem Foote.
Night 2
Chloe Barge, Clem Foote, Mikhail Bulgakov, and Phoebe Love form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Elton Fir quietly hums.
Elka Doom climbs a tree to rest.
Quentin Hedgemouse quietly hums.
Day 3
Quentin Hedgemouse attacks Elton Fir, but he manages to escape.
Elka Doom questions her sanity.
Night 3
Elka Doom lets Quentin Hedgemouse into her shelter.
Elton Fir climbs a tree to rest.
Quentin Hedgemouse gathers as much food into a bag as he can before fleeing.
Elton Fir destroys Elka Doom's memoirs out of spite.
Day 4
Elton Fir explores the arena.
Elka Doom and Quentin Hedgemouse threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
The Games have ended
🐟The winner is Elton Fir!🐟
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i put Psychonauts characters into the hunger games simulator
and this is how it went
Franke Athens sets Chloe Barge on fire with a molotov.
dr caligosto loboto and Vernon Tripe fight for a bag. dr caligosto loboto gives up and retreats. (bro bored him so much he just.gave up)
milla vodello falls into a frozen lake and drowns. (c'mon girl, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS-)
Benny Fideleo, Phoebe Love, and Dogen Boole work together to get as many supplies as possible.
Clem Foote is unable to convince Kitty Bubai to not kill him.
morceau oleader grabs a jar of fishing bait while Elton Fir gets fishing gear. (elton's gonna need some earplugs to not hear the poor fishes's thoughts)
lili zanotto stabs hollis forsythe in the back with a trident.
Nils Lutefisk and Milka Phage work together to drown ford crueller.
Quentin Hedgemouse shoots an arrow at Chops Sweetwind, but misses and kills J.T Hoofburger instead. (oh shit 0_0)
Elka Doom severely injures Crystal Flowers, but puts her out of her misery. (i guess she got what she asked for???)
Mikhail Bulgakov overpowers Maloof Canola, killing him. (ironic)
sasha nein finds a canteen full of water.
bobby zilch cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (good riddance lmaooo)
augustus aquato falls into a pit and dies.
raz aquato grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Day 1
lili zanotto constructs a shack.
morceau oleader, Nils Lutefisk, and Kitty Bubai track down and kill Quentin Hedgemouse. (poor lil dude stood no chance TwT)
Milka Phage, Chops Sweetwind, Elka Doom, and Franke Athens form a suicide pact, killing themselves. (DAMN)
sasha nein severely injures Mikhail Bulgakov and leaves him to die. (COLD, SASHA. COLD)
Vernon Tripe injures himself. (of course he did)
Benny Fideleo overhears raz aquato and Dogen Boole talking in the distance.
Elton Fir kills Phoebe Love with a sickle.
dr caligosto loboto searches for firewood. (SOMEHOW HE'S BEING THE MOST NORMAL-)
Night 1
Nils Lutefisk tries to sing himself to sleep.
Elton Fir fends Vernon Tripe, dr caligosto loboto, and Benny Fideleo away from his fire. (cal didn't find firewood so he tried to take elton's lol)
Dogen Boole, morceau oleader, and sasha nein get into a fight. sasha nein triumphantly kills them both. (not a surprise)
Kitty Bubai throws a knife into lili zanotto's chest. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-)
raz aquato attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. (HE'S COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS TT0TT)
Day 2
Vernon Tripe diverts dr caligosto loboto's attention and runs away.
Elton Fir severely injures Kitty Bubai and leaves her to die.
raz aquato is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Nils Lutefisk sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Benny Fideleo shoots a poisonous blow dart into sasha nein's neck, slowly killing him.
Night 2
Elton Fir throws a knife into Vernon Tripe's chest.
raz aquato sets an explosive off, killing dr caligosto loboto, Benny Fideleo, and Nils Lutefisk. (DAMN BOI HE FINALLY FOUND OUT ABOUT LILI AND HE'S PISSED-)
Day 3
raz aquato tries to spear fish with a trident.
Elton Fir camouflages himself in the bushes. (sNeAkY BoI~)
Night 3
Elton Fir sees a fire, but stays hidden. (sNeEeAaKy bOiIi~)
raz aquato attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. (dang he sucks at starting fires other that squirrels-)
raz aquato bashes Elton Fir's head against a rock several times. (JESUS CHRIST-)
The Games have ended
❤️The winner is raz aquato!❤️
well that was fucking violent :D tell me if you want another one!
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purecbdoil · 7 years ago
Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
The oil massage in Bangkok can act as a healing touch! Such massages are a substratal source of physical and mental well-being in stressful and hectic lifestyle. Essentials oils are an indispensable ingredient of oil massage in Bangkok. As an inseparable item of aromatherapy, oil massage of Bangkok is adorned with a brimful of benefits.
As it is said before, essential oils are commonly used in oil massage, available in Bangkok. Essentials oils are mainly extracted from various parts of a tree, such as, flowers, leaves, branches, bark and so on. Every type of essential oils has own effect. These oils can be used solely or in combined form.
In Bangkok, for massaging, the pure form of essentials oils is not used; instead the oils are diluted with carrier oils. As carrier oils, one can opt for olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, avocado oil etc. But before taking any oil massage, remember different carried oil provides different effect. So, choose your massage oil carefully, as per your needs.
Such oils massages can be beneficial both in physical and mental angles. Some of its physical as well as mental advantages are stated below,
Physical advantages:
oOil massage can be taken for alleviating pain and getting relaxation.
oLeading a stress-free life is possible with this massage
oImprovement of blood circulation is another benefit of this massage
oThis massage can be taken for the improvement and flexibleness of body postures
oThe healing touch of the massage works perfectly to recover any muscle injury and body ache.
Mental advantages
ooil massage provides peace of minds
oIn case of removing mental stress and depression, oil massage can be taken.
oEnhancement of emotional outlook is another advantage of oil massage
oMany persons in Bangkok opt for oils massage for removing anxiety
oWith oil massage, a person's social involvement can also be increased.
In this context, a question may come to the reader's mind. It is about the side effect of oil massages. Undoubtedly it can be said that oil massage treatments are completely free from any bad effect, as the oil, used here is completely natural. But while taking the massage if any irritation occurs, it is advisable to stop applying the oil right at the moment.
Lastly, it can be said that the oil massage, available in Bangkok assists people to lead a stress-less lifestyle. These days, when hectic and busy time schedule leaves us with enormous tensions and pressures, oils massage of Bangkok reinstates as well as reinforces our physical and mental health.
[ad_2] Source by Bryan Josling
Original Post Here: Bangkok Oil Massage: Get The Healing Touch Of Nature
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